Good Morning Satta King, Subh Samachar Satta King, Vande Bharat Satta King, Delhi Bazzar Satta Satta King, New Delhi Satta Satta King, Satta King New Delhi, New Delhi Bazzar, New Delhi Bazzar, Delhi Bazzar, Delhi Bazzar, New Delhi Bazzar Satta, Delhi Bazzar Satta King, Delhi Satta King, Delhi Metro Satta King, Delhi Metro Satta, Mumbai Mahanaga Satta King, Lucky Lion Satta King, Mumbai Mahanagar Satta, Lucky Lion Satta, Shri Ganesh Satta King, Disawar Satta, Delhi Metro Chart, Satta Night Chart.


Satta King Live Result Today


{ 42 }


{ 78 }


05:10 AM

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01-03 05 29 46 47 23 69
02-03 94 74 35 53 63 88 43
03-03 86 31 45 22 02 62 50
04-03 84 73 45 71 53 85 88
05-03 10 11 79 25 61 11 43
06-03 82 78 99 99 89 90 47
07-03 15 08 71 29 97 82 58
08-03 04 50 51 27 80 69 99
09-03 84 72 12 15 41 60 17
10-03 07 50 14 69 42 26 94
11-03 60 55 52 78 19 72 79
12-03 52 15 51 98 23 68 55
13-03 55 33 16 35 54 11 71
14-03 88 03 24 37 95 30 47
15-03 76 57 98 06 72 55 31
16-03 33 08 31 33 62 68 25
17-03 04 06 78 64 96 42 00
18-03 04 02 81 73 70 50 99
19-03 50 55 34 77 50 23 25
20-03 33 93 70 28 37 23 96
21-03 39 73 24 61 92 80 99
22-03 51 26 18 49 70 64 26
23-03 02 97 83 69 10 09 90
24-03 89 54 81 63 65 34 16
25-03 02 22 03 98 65 42 34

Good Morning, Subh Samachar, Vande Bharat, Delhi Metro, Mumbai MahaNagar, Lucky Lion, Satta Night KA ALL RESULT CHART

Date Good
01-03 75 60 78 02 89 60 95
02-03 53 68 62 78 99 31 93
03-03 12 20 99 73 40 69 55
04-03 59 61 54 76 66 39 96
05-03 80 33 59 75 40 15 26
06-03 62 89 13 50 18 64 69
07-03 23 20 30 43 33 74 45
08-03 19 94 78 46 44 89 31
09-03 30 37 77 58 60 27 84
10-03 43 48 84 49 00 65 35
11-03 17 51 87 49 38 75 22
12-03 09 82 82 88 42 83 55
13-03 44 90 61 11 21 29 56
14-03 00 88 78 50 07 02 25
15-03 14 24 72 86 31 32 97
16-03 49 51 97 36 70 01 58
17-03 12 88 37 98 87 11 80
18-03 72 01 75 56 81 08 43
19-03 41 92 58 99 75 15 68
20-03 01 22 54 50 06 68 82
21-03 24 28 23 25 96 41 60
22-03 98 31 69 65 08 89 86
23-03 09 62 92 19 17 65 83
24-03 75 20 35 33 41 15 02
25-03 61 26 09 99 13 22 82
26-03 78

New Delhi Bazar Satta Game: What Is It?

Like other "Satta" games, the New Delhi Bazar Satta game involves players placing bets on numbers with a random result. It is an unlawful gambling activity. It frequently functions as a component of the larger "Satta King" network, which has locations throughout India, including Delhi. Participants usually wager on particular numbers or combinations in this game, and a draw or result decides the conclusion.

New Delhi Bazar Satta is unlawful and dangerous, just like other types of Satta. These games have the potential to cause addiction, financial losses, and legal issues. It's crucial to keep in mind that engaging in such actions is illegal and might have dire repercussions.

New Delhi Bazar Satta Game: What Is It?

Like other "Satta" games, the New Delhi Bazar Satta game involves players placing bets on numbers with a random result. It is an unlawful gambling activity. It frequently functions as a component of the larger "Satta King" network, which has locations throughout India, including Delhi. Participants usually wager on particular numbers or combinations in this game, and a draw or result decides the conclusion. New Delhi Bazar Satta is unlawful and dangerous, just like other types of Satta. These games have the potential to cause addiction, financial losses, and legal issues. It's crucial to keep in mind that engaging in such actions is illegal and might have dire repercussions.

How Can I Play the Satta Game at Delhi Bazar?

The Delhi Bazaar Satta Game, often referred to as Satta King or number guessing in India, is a type of illicit gambling. Participants wager on numbers in the hopes of winning a sizable quantity of money, and it works outside the law. Here's a closer look at the components of this game:

How It Works:
Participants place bets on numbers, usually from 0 to 99. Results are drawn at random, typically through a secretive and often unregulated process. The outcome can be based on various methods, but it is largely a game of chance, with no skill or strategy involved. Players typically pay a certain amount of money to place their bet, and if they guess the correct number, they win a prize (which is usually a higher payout than their stake).

Is Satta King in Delhi Bazar Well-liked?

Indeed, some people enjoy playing games like Delhi Bazaar Satta, particularly in unofficial or subterranean marketplaces. However, their illegality, the excitement of betting, and the expectation of rapid cash rewards are the main factors driving their popularity. This is an explanation of the popularity of these games:

Reasons for Popularity:
Promise of Quick Money:

Many people are drawn to Satta games because they believe they can win big with a small investment. Thrill and Excitement:

The suspense of betting and the unpredictability of results create an adrenaline rush for players. Word of Mouth:

Such games often spread through informal networks, making them popular in specific communities. Accessibility:

These games are often easy to participate in, with low entry costs, attracting people from various socio-economic backgrounds.

Is it legal to play New Delhi Bazzar Satta King?

No, it is against the law in India to play New Delhi Bazaar Satta King or engage in any other type of Satta (gambling or betting). The Public Gambling Act of 1867 forbids these kinds of gambling operations, including Satta King.
Legal Points:
Illegal in Most States:

Satta King is an illegal gambling game that involves betting on numbers and is not regulated or authorized by the government.
Gambling is only allowed in certain states under strict regulations (like lotteries, horse racing, or regulated casinos in states like Goa and Sikkim), but Satta games are not part of these authorized forms.
Penalties and Consequences:

Participating in such activities can lead to legal consequences, including fines and imprisonment, as gambling and betting on such games are considered unlawful.
Operators of such games can face more severe penalties, including criminal charges.
Risks and Addictive Nature:

Apart from the legal risks, Satta games are also known for causing financial losses and addiction, which can have negative social and personal consequences.